Robert Richard Artist/Sculptor          
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Figures Slideshow
Dante Dog, 2008, Mixed Media,27x22x18cm
Feedback, 2013, Oak, 14x24x11cm
Forest, 2008, Mixed Media, 28x10x31cm
omphalos, 2008, Mixed Media, 50x62x5cm
Reaching Torso, 2008, 11x31x11cm
Small Torso with Towers, 2009, Mixed Media, 13x18x8cm
Small Torso with Trees, 2009, Mixed Media, 13x18x8cm
Small Torso with Tunnel, 2009, Mixed Media, 13x18x8cm
Still Life Torso, 2011, Mixed Media, 20x51x18cm
Tall torso with Windows, 2009, 15x32x13cm
Torso In Suit, 2009, Mixed Media, 10x18x8cm
Torso on Column, 2009, Mixed Media, 13x52x11cm
Torso Twig, 2008, Mixed Media, 15x38x15cm
Where Do You Go To Surrender, 2008,Burr Elm, 16x56x8.5cm