Buildings Slideshow
Bleeding Cliff, 2009, Mixed Media, 24x11.5x21
Building With Staircase, 2013, Wood, 13x13x53cm
Building With Teacup and Tree, 2009, Mixed Media, 16x7x35cm
Edifice, 2010, Mixed Media, 22x13x39cm
Imitation, 2008, Mixed Media, 36x13x36cm
Tower With Egg, 2010, Mixed Media, 7x6x26cm
Tower with Teacup, 2010, Mixed Media, 18x18x44cm
Toy Tower, 2013, Mixed Media, 20x15x50cm
Wise Mans World No2, 2009, Mixed Media, 15x5x21cm
Wise Mans World, 2008, Mixed Media, 15x4x20cm
Wooden Landscape with Torso, 2010, Wood, 29x21x56cm
Zero Sum, 2011, Mixed Media, 84x13x120cm
Created using LightBox Video Web Gallery Creator


Robert Richard Artist/Sculptor          
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