Robert Richard Artist/Sculptor          
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Kinetic Slideshow
A Penny in My Pocket, 2009, Mixed Media Kinetic Sculpture, 130x107x15cm
Damned if you do...,2008,Mixed Media Kinetic Sculpture,103x130x31
Domino Box, 2004Mixed Media Kinetic Sculpture, 22x41x12
John Wayne on a Saturday Afternoon, 2008, Mixed Media Kinetic Sculpture,43x33x13
Lost Luggage, 1993, Mixed Media Kinetic Sculpture, 122x86x30
Shooting For The Moon, 2009, Mixed Media, Kinetic Sculpture, 135x193x42
The Family Retainer. 2004,Mixed Media Kinetic Sculpture, 310x277x95
Tipping Tower, 2013,Mixed Media Kinetic Sculpture,64x85x30cm
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